Don’t Get a Tooth Extraction Before You Read This

tooth extraction

The Tooth Extraction is One of The Most Common Dental Procedures

Are you feeling worried about a tooth extraction? Don’t be, it’s actually a very common dental procedure with a high success rate. 

It’s great that you’re looking for information about it. Understanding the process can help you alleviate some of that tension, cause it might be scary for you, but for your dentist it’s just another day at the office. So chill, get a glass of wine, and read on because I’m about to tell you all about the tooth extraction process.

Picture of Dr. Debbie Luis

Dr. Debbie Luis

Mother - General Dentist - Blogger

Tooth Extraction Basics

The tooth extraction is a standard dental procedure designed to remove teeth that are significantly damaged, decayed, or posing a risk to your oral health. Whether due to trauma, infection, overcrowding, or preparation for orthodontic treatment, the goal is always to improve your overall dental well-being while minimizing discomfort.

During an extraction, the affected tooth is carefully loosened and removed using specialized instruments. Following the procedure, detailed care instructions are provided to facilitate a swift and uninterrupted healing process.

Consultation and Planning

Tooth extractions are sometimes necessary to prevent complications and protect overall oral health. Among the most common reason to perform the procedure are the following: 

Tooth Decay: When decay penetrates deep into a tooth beyond repair, extraction may be the only viable option to stop infection from spreading and to relieve pain.

Wisdom Teeth: Your dentist can notice that there is just not enough space in your mouth for your wisdom teeth. So in order to prevent future complications they’ll recommend performing a tooth extraction.

Preventing Tooth Decay: A healthy tooth can be in danger due to different reasons, such as gum disease, or surrounding teeth infection. On some occasions, your dentist can recommend a tooth extraction in order to prevent tooth loss. 

Under or Overbite: Sometimes it’s necessary to pull a tooth in order to adjust your biting and improve your jawbone structure. 

Overlapping Teeth: It’s very common during orthodontia for your dentist to recommend a tooth extraction when a tooth is overlapping to create space for the other one. 

Baby Teeth: A tooth extraction can be performed in children if the baby tooth takes too long to fall off and causes discomfort. They may also do it to make space for the permanent tooth so it comes out straight.

A Disease: Complications from diseases such as Periodontitis or Oral Cancer can weaken tooth support.

Cosmetic: If you’re getting a cosmetic procedure to improve your aesthetics, such as dental implants, It’s likely that your dentist will need to perform a tooth extraction in order to place the prosthetic.

If you are looking for a dental insurance plan with coverage for extractions give us call now at (866) 664-0276 to get a free Quote!

Types Of Extractions

There are two main types of tooth extractions: simple extractions and surgical extractions. A simple extraction is when the tooth is visible above the gum line, and the dentist can remove it with instruments known as elevators and forceps. It’s typically a quick process with a local anesthetic to numb the area.

Surgical tooth extractions, on the other hand, are a bit more complex. These are required when the tooth’s either broken off at the gum line or hasn’t fully erupted. This procedure may involve a little incision in the gum to access and remove the tooth, and in some cases even removing a bit of bone or cutting the tooth into pieces.

The Dental Extraction Process

Now, as I was saying at the beginning of the post, I know the idea of a tooth extraction can make anyone a bit antsy, and that is perfectly normal. Let’s face it, nobody enjoys going to the dentist, especially if they’re going to pull a tooth out of your mouth. But knowing the basics of the procedure can help you have a more comfortable experience; So let’s explore what you should expect.

Preparing for the Procedure

Regardless of the type of tooth extraction, getting ready for the procedure involves the same steps, and don’t worry because it’s nothing different than what you have to do for any other procedure. Here’s the lowdown.

Share your medical history with your dentist including medications and supplements.

Avoid eating for at least 6-12 hours if you’re going under general anesthesia or at least 2 hours if they’re using local anesthesia.

Do not smoke or drink alcohol for at least 24 hours before the tooth extraction procedure.
Arrange a ride home if you’re going to be sedated. You won’t be up for driving, trust me.

Dress comfortably for the procedure, and avoid jewelry or anything fussy.

During the Visit

Your dentist will begin with an initial assessment to verify the need for a dental extraction and discuss your health history. Then they will explain comfort measures and procedural steps.

This part is usually the same regardless of the type of extraction you’re going to get; but in any case just try to stay calm and relaxed. The dental staff will be there for you at all times and the procedure will be performed employing advanced techniques to mitigate discomfort. Upon seating, in the majority of cases you’ll receive local anesthesia to numb the area, ensuring a painless procedure.

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During a Simple Extraction

The simple tooth extraction, as its own name says it, it’s a relatively basic procedure in which the dentist will use dental forceps or elevators to gently dislodge the tooth, then they’ll pull it out of the socket, and that’s about it. They will give you instructions to follow after the procedure and in just a few minutes you can be on your way home.

During a Surgical Extraction

After anesthesia, the tooth extraction starts with the surgeon making a precise incision in the gum. Then they will proceed to loosen and extract the tooth from its socket using specialized dental instruments. The length of this part varies depending on the complexity and state of the tooth, and will be longer if, for instance, your tooth is badly decayed or has broken off at the gum line. 

Once they remove the tooth, they’ll proceed to clean and if necessary disinfect the socket. In some cases, they’ll need to place a dental bone graft, which helps prevent bone loss in your jaw. Finally, they may need to place stitches to help promote healing.

After The Procedure

Do not panic if you see some bleeding right after the dental extraction as it’s completely normal. The dentist will put some gauze in place and ask you to bite down. Bleeding should stop within a couple of minutes. It is also normal for it to bleed again, and as long as it’s not excessive you can manage it the same way, so make sure to ask them for some extra gauze for the road.

They will keep you in observation for a little while to make sure there are no immediate complications and once they can verify that there’s no more bleeding, you will be discharged. Make sure to ask for after care instructions, which I’ll explain later in this post, and please make sure to follow them, otherwise you can compromise the success of the dental extraction procedure and may need to return due to a dental emergency.

weather it is simple surgical, this procedure can be very costly so I highly recommend that you get a dental insurance plan with coverage for extractions. So make sure to give SHD Insurance a call  at (866) 664-0276 to get a free Quote now!

Post Tooth Extraction Care

After the tooth extraction, effectively managing discomfort is essential for a smooth recovery. If you’re getting a simple extraction, you should be able to go back to normal the day after the procedure; but in the case of a surgical extraction the recovery is a bit more complex because you need to prevent infection in the incision area. your dental staff will give you detailed instructions for aftercare depending on the complexity and type of the procedure, but here are some tips that you should definitely follow:

Do not eat anything for at least two hours, or until you can no longer feel the effect of the anesthesia. You don’t want to bite yourself by accident.

Avoid Hard Foods on the day of the procedure in the case of a simple tooth extraction, and for at least 2 days in the case of a surgical extraction. You may go back to your regular diet the day after his period.

Take Medication if needed; ask your doctor about pain management and preventing infection. They will either prescribe something or recommend over-the-counter medicine depending on your case.

Apply Ice Packs if there is swelling, which is normal during the first couple of days after a tooth extraction, so reduce it by applying ice packs to the cheek in 15 minute intervals as needed.

Avoid Strenuous Activity for at least 24 hours to minimize bleeding and swelling.
Elevate Your Head when lying down, use pillows to help reduce swelling.

Avoid Sucking Actions and refrain from smoking or using straws as they can dislodge the blood clot.

Dealing with Complications

Recovering from a tooth extraction is relatively easy compared to other dental procedures, but as with any medical procedure there are some risks, and addressing these on time are essential to avoid having to run to the dentist with a dental emergency. Make sure to contact your dentist right away if you have any of the following symptoms:

Dry Socket: This usually means that the blood clot fails to form or dislodges prematurely, revealing bone and nerves.

Infection: Excessive redness, pus, or continuous pain are signals of infection.

Bleeding: A little blood right after the tooth extraction procedure is normal, but persistent bleeding may lead to a potential complication.

Swelling: Some is expected, but if your face is still swollen on day three or four, better call your dentist.

Limited Jaw Movement: Difficulty opening your mouth right after a tooth extraction is typically due to muscle tension or inflammation.

Remember, it’s better to over communicate with your dentist than to wait it out and risk your health. Your mouth (and wallet) will thank you If you prevent potential issues on time.


Alright, so now you know that a tooth extraction is a quick and relatively easy procedure that serves many purposes from allowing permanent teeth to properly grow when we’re babies, to taking care of unbearable toothache, or preventing potential issues like tooth loss, cavities, infection, and even oral cancer. And at the same time, it’s a required first step for more complex dental procedures such as implants, orthodontia, and jaw surgery. 

You now also know the types of tooth extraction and the pre and post procedure tips. And if you’re wondering about prevention; well, as with everything else, in most cases, keeping a good oral hygiene routine is the key to prevent potential problems, and the easiest way to save money.
So now that you are a tooth extraction ninja, I think you can confidently head to your dentist and take care of it once and for all.

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