Dentures, Cost, Care and More Questions Answered


Dentures help you enhance your smile, and your quality of life

Trying to decide if getting dentures is a good idea? You’re not alone. Sometimes they can seem like a mystery, getting dentures involves understanding the cost, care routines, and the choices available. 

But fear no more, cause we’re here to clear everything up for you. So put on some nice tunes cause today I’ll tell you everything you need to know about Dentures.

Picture of Dr. Debbie Luis

Dr. Debbie Luis

Mother - General Dentist - Blogger

What Are Dentures?

Dentures, simply put, are replacements for missing teeth that you can take out and put back in your mouth. Traditionally, they can be full or partial. Full dentures replace all teeth in either the upper or lower jaw, while partial dentures fill in spaces where some teeth are missing. They’re custom-made to fit your mouth, ensuring they look natural and feel comfortable.

Functionally, dentures help you chew food and support facial muscles, preserving the shape of your face. In addition to these practical benefits, they also enhance your smile, boosting your confidence and overall quality of life. Over time, advancements in materials and techniques have made dentures more lightweight, durable, and natural-looking.

Types Of Dentures

There are a few different types of dentures available, each suited to specific needs and preferences.

Full dentures are for those missing all their teeth. Meanwhile, partial dentures are designed for people who still have some natural teeth remaining.

Immediate dentures are created before teeth extraction and can be worn immediately afterward, providing a temporary solution.

Custom dentures offer a more personalized and natural look, made specifically to match the patient’s original smile.

Additionally, there are implant-supported dentures, which are anchored with dental implants for enhanced stability and comfort, making them a great option for those seeking a more permanent solution.

Choosing the right type of denture depends on your specific situation. Be sure to consult your dentist to determine which option is best for you.

How Much Do Dentures Cost?

Alright, let’s talk numbers. How much will you spend to get those pearly whites? The cost of dentures can vary significantly based on a few factors including the type you need, the materials used, and your geographical location. Basic dentures tend to be more affordable, while custom or implant-supported dentures can be on the pricier side.

Generally, a basic set of complete dentures might cost between $300 to $600 per plate, making it around $600 to $1,200 for a full set. However, premium dentures, which offer a more natural appearance and better durability, can range from $2,000 to $8,000 per set.

Dentures can become very pricy so you’ll probably need to get a Dental Insurance plan with coverage for major procedures. So If you are looking for a dental plan call SHD Insurance now at (866) 664-0276 to get a free Quote!

What Are The Benefits and Risks Of Getting Dentures?

Dentures are a valuable solution for replacing missing teeth, providing both aesthetic and functional benefits. They can restore your smile and help with chewing and speaking. However, as with every other medical procedure, there are some considerations that you need to make before getting them, like discomfort, potential irritation, and the need for adjustments.


Dentures offer a host of remarkable visual advantages by restoring the natural look of your smile and functionally by aiding in proper chewing and speech.

People with dentures often experience a significant boost in confidence, which can lead to improved social interactions and overall quality of life.

Modern dentures are designed to fit comfortably and securely, which minimizes the risk of slipping or causing irritation. This ensures you can go about your daily activities without worry.
Additionally, high-quality dentures are crafted using advanced materials that mimic the translucency and texture of natural teeth, creating a more realistic appearance and feel.

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Dentures do carry some risks. First off, there’s the risk of discomfort. It can take a while for your mouth to adjust to the new appliance. Your gums may feel sore, and you might experience some initial irritation. Typically, this discomfort diminishes as your mouth gets accustomed to them.

Another risk is potential infection. If dentures are not cleaned properly, bacteria and fungi can grow, leading to oral infections. Always follow your dentist’s hygiene recommendations to keep them clean and safe to use.

Moreover, poorly fitting dentures can result in mouth ulcers, contributing to pain and difficulty in eating or speaking. It’s crucial to have regular dental check-ups to ensure they fit well and to make any necessary adjustments.

How Long Do Dentures Last

Dentures, while durable, do have a lifespan. Generally, you can expect dentures to last around 5 to 7 years if you take good care of them. However, their longevity can vary based on the quality of the materials used and how well you maintain them.

Regular check-ups with your dentist can help extend the life of your dentures. During these visits, your dentist can make any necessary adjustments and address any wear and tear, dramatically improving your comfort and the fit over time.

That said, if you don’t properly care for your dentures, they can wear out more quickly. Ensure you follow a good hygiene routine, including daily cleaning and proper storage when not in use, to maximize the lifespan and keep them functioning effectively.

Overall, to maintain their longevity, it’s essential to follow all care instructions and seek timely professional evaluations. Having a strong relationship with your dentist can make all the difference, ensuring your dentures remain a reliable and comfortable part of your daily life. Proper care and periodic adjustments can help you get the most out of your investment, prolonging their usability and maintaining your oral health.

Denture Maintenance

As I said in the last section, taking good care of your dentures is crucial for their long-term functionality and comfort.

To start, make sure you’re cleaning them daily with a soft-bristle brush and mild denture cleaner. Avoid standard toothpaste, as it can be too abrasive.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to rinse your dentures after every meal to remove food particles. This can help prevent staining and keep your mouth feeling fresh.

Remember to store your dentures in water or a denture solution when you’re not wearing them. This prevents them from drying out and losing their shape, which can compromise their fit.
Talk to your dentist about any discomfort or fit issues, as periodic adjustments can make a world of difference.


Well there you have it. Dentures will definitely improve your quality of life, but once you get them you must take the time to maintain them. By investing in quality products and following proper cleaning routines, you’ll ensure their longevity. Regular dental check-ups are equally important for fit adjustments and oral health.

If you are struggling to find a good dental plan that you can rely on when needed; SHD offers great options for individualsfamilies and seniors. Call us now at (866) 664-0276 to get a free Quote!


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