Emergencia dental: Pasos rápidos y sencillos para afrontar una crisis dental

urgencias dentales

A Dental emergency can affect anyone at any time, often without warning.

Whether it’s a severe toothache, a knocked-out tooth, or uncontrollable oral bleeding, they demand prompt attention to alleviate pain and prevent long-term complications. Knowing the appropriate steps to take during a dental emergency could mean the difference between saving or losing a tooth, and in some cases, safeguarding your overall health. 

So Stay calm, and keep reading because today I’m telling you everything you have to know when you’re dealing with a Dental emergency.

Picture of Dr. Debbie Luis

Dra. Debbie Luis

Madre - Dentista general - Blogger

What is a dental emergency?

A dental emergency is a condition that needs quick attention. It can be a severe toothache, gum swelling or bleeding, tooth or jaw fracture, or even tooth discomfort generating pain as a result of cavidades or the infection of the supporting structure.

Signs of a dental emergency can include, but are not limited to, uncontrolled bleeding, substantial tooth or jaw pain, excessive gum swellingo un missing or fractured tooth. 

Sometimes a dental emergency can be associated with an underlying medical condition like bleeding gums due to a bleeding disorder. Occasionally it can involve a severe infection of the tooth and jaw that can be life-threatening.

You should contact your dentist right away if you have any of these symptoms for evaluation and treatment. When in doubt, trust your gut, but remember, a dental emergency is easier, less painful (and also cheaper) to treat when you visit your dentist right away.

What to do during a dental emergency?

Assess the dental Injury

First and foremost, during a dental emergency it is critical to evaluate the extent of damage. If a tooth has been knocked out, try to find it. Do your best to keep it moist, gently placing it in a cup of milk or in your mouth beside your cheek. If it’s a crack or a break, try to assess how severe it looks. Ask yourself, is it a small chip or a large fracture? Be cautious not to poke around too much and cause more harm.

After your initial assessment, determine if it’s a “true dental emergency.” Is there excessive bleeding, severe pain, or signs of infection like swelling or fever? These symptoms are indicators to seek immediate care. If not, and the discomfort is manageable, it’s still important to contact your dentist promptly. The faster you act in these situations, the better the chances are of minimizing long-term damage and getting that smile back to its gleaming best.

Identify the type of dental emergency

Recognizing the urgency is essential because different dental emergencies demand tailored responses that can drastically impact outcomes. Even if it looks like a minor injury, don’t take it lightly; keep in mind a small tooth chip can escalate into a serious issue.

If you suffer severe pain, swelling, or bleeding, it more than likely means it’s an immediate dental emergency and you need to hurry because these symptoms need quick dental attention, without exception, to mitigate health risks.

Minor discomfort or tooth damage, while still concerning, allows a brief window to seek professional advice.

Contact your dentist

When trouble strikes, time is of the essence. Get on the phone and alert your dentist’s office immediately, as quick action can be vital.

If it’s during office hours, let them know it’s a dental emergency. They’ll likely offer guidance or swiftly schedule a time to see you. After hours, follow their emergency protocol or leave a detailed message with your contact information.

Remember, your dental team’s expertise is just a call away when you’re facing a dental emergency.

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Dealing with the injury

In the whirlwind of a dental emergency, the golden rule is stay calm and focused. Should pain strike like lightning – don’t pull a Houdini and disappear into panic. Instead, depending on the type of injury, follow these tips:

  • If there’s bleeding, summon your inner grace under pressure and use sterile gauze or a clean cloth to apply gentle, firm pressure, just enough to say “halt” to the crimson tide.
  • Gently apply a cold compress to the area, easing the discomfort with a chilly caress. This will give you more time to manage the dental emergency.
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, according to the recommended dosages. Avoid aspirin near the affected area as it can increase bleeding.
  • Stick to soft foods and avoid temperature extremes in your diet to reduce irritation.
  • Elevate your head when lying down to help reduce blood flow to the area.

Now if you really want to be prepared in case of a dental emergency, keep a small package equipped with items like gauze, saline solution, and a small container with a lid. It’s like having a dental superhero in your back pocket. If a tooth gets knocked out, secure it and dash off to your dentist.

Preparing for a dental emergency visit

So, you’ve determined it’s a dental emergency, now let’s talk about your next move; getting to the dentist soon. Often, the most crucial thing is prompt action; delaying can worsen the situation.

Before you head out the door, pause to make sure you’re ready. Pack any necessary items you might need like your ID, seguro dental card, and a list of any medications you’re taking. Ensure to grab a notepad and pen, too.

Once you’re in the waiting room, be patient, and try to stay calm; go easy on the staff, remember they’re there for you but they can’t help you if you won’t let them. Your cooperation will be especially appreciated during a dental emergency. If you’re under too much discomfort, practice some deep breathing; a few calm inhales and exhales can help you manage the pain.

And finally, while you wait, be proactive about the potential outcomes. Ponder possible treatment options and their implications, expense included. If your budget is tight, don’t be shy about discussing payment plans. Most dental offices are equipped to help you financially and with dental treatment. It might be a good time to find a good dental insurance plan if you don’t have one yet.

If you are looking for a reliable plan dental; call SHD Insurance now at (866) 664-0276 and ask about the comprehensive, preventive, and savings dental plans.

Preventing future dental emergencies

In the calm after the storm, let’s focus on how to steer clear of another dental emergency. Firstly, good oral hygiene is your trusty shield so brush twice a day, floss consistently, and don’t skip on dentist appointments at least every six months because they can help you catch problems early. And remember, protection during sports with a mouthguard can save your smile from errant balls and elbows.

But beyond your daily rituals, it’s smart to listen to your body. If you sense subtle changes or discomfort, don’t wait for a full-blown dental emergency. Addressing small issues promptly can prevent major procedures down the road, keeping your teeth strong and your wallet happier.


You can easily prevent most dental emergencies by just taking good care of your smile, but unfortunately, accidents do happen and in those cases the most important thing is to be prepared. So ask your dentist what to do when you have an emergency during your next visit, keep a first aid dental kit, and find a dental insurance plan that gives you coverage in case you need to use it.

Si le cuesta encontrar un buen plan dental en el que pueda confiar cuando lo necesite; SHD ofrece grandes opciones para individuosfamilias y personas mayores. Llámenos ahora al (866) 664-0276 para obtener un presupuesto gratuito


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